The LUChA Statement

Our organization, La Unión Chicana por Aztlán (LUChA), is dedicated to providing both cultural and academic support to students who identify in any way with the Latino culture. We accomplish this mainly by building strong friendships, in the process of which we are able to benefit from academic review sessions put on by our cabezones, carne asada prepared by our cocineros, parties partied by our gente, discussions organized by our politicos, performances put on by our artistas, conferences organized by our representantes and the list goes on. The diversity within LUChA reflects the fact that Latino culture has evolved to include influences from just about every region of the U.S. and several regions beyond. You will also find similar variety in the views held among our members. Some may call for organized protest where others may prefer a more conservative approach. Some may prefer to focus on a conference while others may want to focus on our collective academic performance. Our different backgrounds naturally prompt differing responses in any given situation, but our common goals allow us to remain united and move forward.

Article I: Organization

Section 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be La Unión Chicana Por Aztlán.

Section 2: Declaration

As Hermanos y Hermanas of La Raza Cosmica, We bring a unique and ancient way of life to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As old and honorable as any other culture that exists at MIT, We represent 500 years of conquest, oppression, triumph, and honor. Being born of this tumultuous past, We know the importance of family, the source of our strength. As a surrogate to the families We left behind, LUChA is a family of artists, athletes, engineers, actors, scientists, architects, poets, and musicians. Mindful of our past and proud of our culture, We will conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects a noble heritage. Our sincerest wish is not to separate ourselves from the Institute but to bring to it the proud history of La Raza.

Section 3: Purpose

The purpose of LUChA is to further the following objectives:

-To improve the quality of life for all students of Chicano, Mexican-American, and Hispanic heritage at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
-To increase the enrollment of Chicano students at MIT through active recruitment at MIT, at our homes, or wherever the opportunity arises to bring students to MIT;
-To develop and implement programs that cultivate the student academically, culturally, and socially;
-To work in solidarity with other student groups of color or any other student group which seeks to further their cause against social and political injustice;
-To raise awareness of the Chicano, Mexican-American, and Latino cultures at MIT;
-To work within the East Coast Chicano Student Forum to fulfill its objectives of admission and retention of Chicano students at East Coast universities.

Section 4: Government

This student association shall be governed by these bylaws and also agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of MIT and the Association of Student Activities, as set forth by the MIT ASA Constitution. These bylaws and amendments shall be subject to review by the MIT ASA Executive Committee to ensure that they are in accordance with the policies of the MIT ASA.

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Article II: Membership

Section 1: Membership

Membership in this organization shall consist of:

-Anyone of the MIT Community who demonstrates interest in the affairs and history of the Chicano Community and has paid the semi-annual membership dues.
-Non-voting member(s), who is(are) the faculty Advisor(s), when this is required by the university or desired by the affiliating organization(s).
-The membership of this organization will at all times contain at least 5 MIT students and be more than half MIT students.
-This organization will not discriminate based on any characteristic listed in the MIT’s Nondiscrimination Statement.
-If this organization charges any monetary dues, there will be exceptions made for students that cannot afford these dues.

Sections 2: New Members

New Members who wish to join LUChA must attend at least one meeting and express the desire to benefit from and to contribute to LUChA.

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Article III: Government

Section 1: The Membership

All legislative power shall be vested in the Membership. The Membership shall set its own rules of procedure. The Membership will have the power to elect the role of officers who see to the daily affairs of LUChA. The Membership is the final authority of LUChA.

Section 2: Officers

-The officers of this organization shall be a(n) President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, two Social Chairs, Webmaster, Publicity Chair, East Coast Chicano Student Forum Representative, Athletic Chair, Historian and Academic Chair.
-All officers of this organization must be distinct persons MIT students.
-The officers for the following term shall be elected in the above order no later than the end of final exam week of the current academic term.
-The positions of President, Vice-President and Treasurer will be full year terms, with the Treasurer being elected in the elections at the the end of Spring Semester. At the end of each semester, the Vice-President will be promoted to the position of President for the purpose of continuity, and a new Vice-President will be elected.
-A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the Vice-President. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled by a special election for the remainder of the term.

Section 4: Officers' Duties

The President shall do the following:

-Preside at all meetings of the organization.
-Serve as the official representative of the organization or appoint a proxy as may be necessary.
-Act as liaison with the Office of Minority Education (OME) and the Latino Alumni of MIT (LAMIT).
-Prepare the semi-annual report of this club's activities.

The Vice President shall do the following:

-Perform all duties of the President in his or her absence.
-Perform any other duties assigned by the Officer's Board.
-Act as liaison with the Admissions Office, Association of Student Activities and the Latino Cultural Center.
-Take charge of the revision of the Constitution on the dates prescribed by Article IX.

The Treasurer shall do the following:

-Receive all funds for this club, determine and receive semi-annual dues for membership, and turn the funds over to the members.
-Pay all bills authorized by the Membership.
-Prepare in written form a semi-annual financial report to be sent to all members of the student section, as well as to any other requesting parties.
Keep an exact account of all receipts and expenditures by preparing and updating a semesterly budget.
-Prepare event-specific budgets along with the Funding Chair for funding and planning purposes.

The Funding Chair shall do the following:

-Prepare semesterly a newsletter of the group's upcoming events and dates to be sent to all current alumni.
-Secure on campus funding from academic departments, FinBoard, LEF/ARCADE, MIT offices, etc.
-Secure off campus funding from Latino foundations, corporations, etc.
-Prepare event-specific budgets along with the Treasurer for funding and planning purposes.

The Secretary shall do the following:

-Keep a record on file of all meetings of this organization and make this available to all members within a reasonable amount of time.
-Keep an updated list of the members in good standing.
-Publish every semester a written copy of all members, and distribute them to the Membership.
-Maintain a hard copy and an electronic copy of the Constitution.
The Social Chair shall do the following:

-Coordinate organized recruitment activities.
-Coordinate organized social, community service, and cultural activities as seen fit by the Membership.

The Webmaster shall do the following:

-Oversee the maintenance of the LUCHA web page.
-Coordinate with the Historian to update the LUChA Locker with records published by the Board of Officers.

The Publicity Chair shall do the following:

-Assist the Social Chair by advertising events that are open to the Membership and the MIT Community.
-Maintain the ASA-allocated bulletin board.

The East Coast Chicano Student Forum (ECCSF) Representative shall do the following:

-Act as an official representative to the ECCSF.
-Organize LUChA’s participation in any ECCSF related activity and coordinate with the treasurer to obtain funding for any such activity.

The Historian shall do the following:

-Propose suitable discussion topics that are of relevant importance to the Membership.
-Prepare for and lead in-meeting discussion of the topic.
-Obtain and organize all LUChA records written by the Board of Officers
-Maintain a list of LUChA Alumni.

The Academic Chair shall do the following:

-Organize tutorials and Tool-A-Thons
-Take inventory and make available a library of academic bibles
-Assist members in course related activities or inquiries.

Section 4: Election of Officers

Election shall be conducted as follow:

-Nomination of candidates for the club offices shall be made at least one meeting prior to the Elections Meeting and may continue through an electronic medium up to the Elections Meeting. Only voting members in good standing who intend to serve the entire term are eligible to run for office.
-Candidates are guaranteed the opportunity to present their view and answer questions.
-Absentee Ballots shall be accepted when accompanied by the absentees name, the office in question, the candidate's name being voted to, and signature of the absentee.
-A simple majority of the quorum as defined by the constitution is sufficient and necessary for election.

Section 5: Removal of Officers

The procedure for officer removal shall be as follows:

-A petition signed by 30% of the general membership must be presented to the Board of Officers.
-Discussion of the removal of the officer shall be placed on the agenda of the next general meeting occurring at least seven days after the presentation of the petition.
-A 2/3 vote of the voting members is required to remove an officer from office.

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Article IV: Board of Officers

Section 1: The Board of Officers

The Board of Officers shall consist of the role of officers as in Article III, Section 2.

Section 2: Duties

The duties of the Officer's Board are as follows:

-To manage the daily affairs of LUChA.
-To prepare and review the agenda prior to each general meeting.

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Article V: Meetings

Section 1: General Meetings

This organization shall hold general meetings on dates to be determined on a per term schedule.

Section 2: Structure of General Meetings

-The structure of the general meeting shall consist of a review of old business, discussion of new business, a discussion and involvement period led by the Historian, followed by the postings of announcements. The general meetings shall be presided by the President.
-All decisions shall be made by a majority vote of all members present.

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Article VI: Committees

Committees shall be established by a general vote of the Membership as required to carry out or further the work of LUChA. Committee chairpersons shall be determined at the general meeting.

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Article VII: Expenditures

In September and January of each year, the officers board will decide upon the amount of money the Treasurer may spend on one purchase without approval by the Membership. Any single purchase which exceeds this limiting amount will be approved or disapproved by the Membership at a meeting. All moneys remaining at the end of the academic year will remain the property of the organization.

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Article VIII: Amendments

These bylaws must be amended by two-thirds vote of the membership of LUChA, provided the amendment shall have been proposed at least one meeting prior to the time of voting. After acceptance by the membership, an amendment must be submitted to the Student Committee Chairman immediately after acceptance by the club.

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Article IX: Revision

The Constitution of LUChA shall be revised by the Vice-President every third year to ensure that the constitution remains viable to the Membership beginning from this the year, 2006. A two-thirds vote of the Membership is required to accept any major revisions.

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Article X: Voting

Any issue shall be brought before the general body and voted upon by a simple majority of the quorum.

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Article XI: Definitions

QUORUM- A quorum shall consist of 50% of the Regular Voting Members.
IN GOOD STANDING-A person that has paid all current fees and has attended a meeting in the present or the previous term.
TOOL-A-THONS - An event to promote the academic enrichment of LUChA members.

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